Well after 3 nearly sleepless nites I am halfway to Petersburg. I guess I am feeling guilty about leaving, Nervous worried about all the responsiblility I have put on my family and partners and employees. But I would not have left if I did not have confidience in them. If i ever leave for an extended period again I will NOT assume that my help knows every step and detail of daily requirements at the store. Jodi and Annie both showed me I did a terrible job teaching them my job before I left. I apologize and next time we will spend way more time going over all the small details involved with running Myers.
Everyone keep Tom and Gwens spirits up and help them out all you can. I think when I get home everyone may have a better idea of what my job of runing the store involves. Its not that complicated its just you have to do it EVERY SINGLE DAY or you will dig yourself a hole. ANd if you guys dig a hole in 30 days I will fill it up.
While in the Denver Airport I met a 71 year old guy heading to Soldotna, Ak, one of my favorite places. We talked and he told me his sister lived up there and this was the second time he had gone to Alaska. I told him I had been there a few times and about the adventure I was about to go on. He said Man do it while you can. He said I worked 38 years for the same company and retired in Dec. He said now I have money and can do about whatever I want. But he said the problem is when your my age you can only do so much. Like My good friend Vernon Domoney
alwasy told me. "Joe do it when your young!"
I am gonna try and post a couple pics of the storm the day before I lefty the one is a BIG Funnel cloud that wanted to hit the ground but did not thank GOD! is northeast of Cawker a few miles.
Thanks again to my family and partners and staff at MYers. I love you all.
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